What are the different home care options and how do you get one?
Home care services on the Mornington Peninsula grant your loved ones the support they need while in the comfort of their home. However, despite the growing popularity of home care, many people are still unsure of the services offered.
Home care services are usually for seniors and people who suffer from chronic illnesses, recovering from injuries or who have disabilities. In Australia, there are two main types of home care funded by the Government.
Home Care Packages
Home Care Packages are the most common type of government-funded home care provided in Australia. Home Care Packages are designed to help maintain a person’s quality of life in their own home for as long as possible. There are four levels of Home Care Packages, providing support for people with basic, low, intermediate and high-level care needs. The package may include personal care and domestic assistance, meal preparation and dietary management, nursing, allied health and therapy services and continence management.
Commonwealth Home Support Programme
The Commonwealth Home Support Programme provides support to people requiring only short-term assistance. The programme allows access to specific services as needed. This may include help with house chores, personal care, food and meal preparation, flexible respite, allied health services, and social support.
How do you get a Home Care Package?
Before availing of a Home Care Package, you must first obtain a My Aged Care assessment by the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) to understand what your needs are and what services you require. A trained assessor will talk to you about what your care needs are and whether you are eligible for services. To organise an assessment with My Aged Care you can phone 1800 200 422 or visit the My Aged Care website for more information.
If the results indicate that you are in need of a Home Care Package, you will receive a letter from My Aged Care advising what level package you will receive.
After you receive the outcome of your assessment and your eligibility for the Home Care Package is assured, you can then start looking for a home care provider and work out the costs. Once you are assigned a Home Care Package, you can then develop a personalised care plan and enter a Home Care Agreement with your provider. The Government subsidy funds for your Home Care Package will be paid to the approved provider, who will manage the funds on your behalf.
Are you or a family member looking for home care services? Contact Village Glen today for a consultation. We also offer retirement villages and aged care services on the Mornington Peninsula as well. For enquiries, please call us at 1300 VILL GLEN.